Timothy Hartwig

Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

What’s Your Anxiety Level?

Where's your anxiety level at the moment? It seems that there are many things happening in the world around us today that are causing us to be anxious and even afraid. Jesus wants to take away all of your fears and anxiety.

I Lose Things

Today's devotion is a reminder of God's love and comfort. But it also features video of really cute lambs and sheep. God bless your time in his Word today!

Are riots right & good?

Residents of the United States have the rights and even responsibility to peacefully protest moral and social issues. But does that freedom of speech extend to rioting? God's Word can give us some guidance in regards to this matter.

Is God Sleeping?

Maybe you've been pouring your heart out to the Lord, just requesting him for aid, and wisdom, and help. And it just seems like there's no answer. You wonder, well is God hearing me? Or is he just sleeping up there in heaven?

Is the World Ending?

Is the world ending? Sometimes natural disasters, or pandemics, can cause people to ask that question. They look at the disaster or the trouble that they're in and they think: “this has to be a sign that the world is coming to an end.”

Death Hurts

Seeing someone's grave is a reminder of the reality of death. And even our own. But we can have this comfort: Jesus is risen we can look forward to being reunited in heaven.