Timothy Hartwig

Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Have You Wasted Your Life?

What have you wasted in your life? Opportunities? Possessions? Love? Join Pastor Tim Hartwig today as he tells us the amazing truth about God's desire for your life.

A Change of Heart

Have you ever changed your mind? Have you ever had a change of heart? Pastor Hartwig tells us how God would have us change our minds, our hearts, and our actions toward him. Share this good news with us today.

Words from the Cross 1

What's your favorite board game? It feels great when the game is going well, but it feels bad when other players make you pay and it can be easy to hold a grudge. Today we join Pastor Tim Hartwig at the foot of the cross to hear Jesus' words of mercy and forgiveness both for those hurting him and for you.

What is True?

Is chocolate good for you or bad for you? Sometimes it seems impossible to know what is really true. What about religion? Is the Bible true? Yes. The Bible is true and today Pastor Hartwig tells how that changes everything.

Ash Wednesday

What's up with ashes on foreheads? Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lent and Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us what Lent is all about.

Jesus, Transfigured

Ever shine a flashlight through your hand? What if your hand glowed like a flashlight? Today we reflect on Jesus' Transfiguration with Pastor Timothy Hartwig. (Transfiguration means a complete change of form or appearance.)

Nathan’s Story

A rich man kills a poor man's lamb to feed his guest. How does the king respond? And how does this apply to you, today? Pastor Tim Hartwig brings a message of sin and forgiveness.

God Has Goals Too

1 Timothy 2:4 January’s already over. How are your goals for this year shaping up? Many people have already given up on what they wanted to achieve this year. How are you doing? When we look at our resolutions and…

The Hem of Jesus’ Robe

Luke 8:48 Jesus had reached almost rockstar status. Wherever he traveled a crowd was around him even pushing up against him and touching him. One day there was a woman in that crowd who really wanted to touch Jesus. She…

Morning Ritual

Psalm 90:14 Watch on YouTube What’s your morning ritual? Do you roll out of bed and make your way to the bathroom? Or do you go downstairs and turn on the coffee maker? Or maybe you simply roll over and…

What We Really Need

Luke 5:18-24 Have you ever been to a restaurant with some friends, you know you’re hungry, but you just don’t know what quite to order? Suddenly, you hear what one of your friends is gonna order and you think “man,…

Calming Life’s Storms

Matthew 8:26 For a while, one of my daughters pretended that she could control the wind. She would joke to her siblings about being able to make it blow or stop. That would be a pretty neat power to have…