Tag trials

Job’s Hope

Far too often we may think that if we live a good enough life, if we're righteous, then God will reward us.

I Was Broken

I broke my collarbone and afterwards I had to get surgery. Because of this, my muscles deteriorated and I felt very weak and I was indeed broken.

Against the Wind

Sometimes we're tempted to wonder why God allows us to face adversities and troubles and hardships in life. Today we look at how God lifts us up during our trials.

Maple Syrup

God allows hardships into our lives to refine us. Yet even in these trials he is by our side, giving us strength and working everything for our benefit.

This is a difficult teaching.

Peter said “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Just think what that means. The Word you're giving us is the very thing that will take us out of our grave someday so that we can live forever in the mansions above in heaven.

Refined by Fire

Are you struggling today? Be comforted with the knowledge that God will never abandon you. But he sometimes uses trouble to make us stronger.