To my children paying for things with a card looks easy. They don't realize that these purchases must be backed up with money.
Why even try? Why even try to really live out what Jesus says?
What's the worst sin of all? What's the deadliest sin?
My children are learning cause and effect. They don’t realize their actions cause problems. Similarly, we often downplay our sins, distancing ourselves from their severity. It is by recognizing our sins that we see the depth of God’s grace.
I have my father's memory. These are the words that I speak to somebody when I've forgotten something that I was going to tell them, or I forgot something that they told me.
I wasn't raised in the church. When I first attended church, I remarked at how often Jesus’ suffering and death were mentioned.
How would you rank yourself on a scale of goodness? Or how would you even measure that scale?
So can a Christian believe in aliens? It sounds like a completely wild question, but this is one that I've been getting asked a lot
A number of years ago, when I was driving along the interstate, I saw a sign for a church that had this passage written on it.
Do you remember the account in the Bible of Jesus' baptism? I like the version in the Gospel of Mark.
It's a really weird feeling, isn't it? To know God loves you, but to feel like he doesn't like you.
People always say time heals all wounds. I think what a load of garbage. Time heals nothing.