Tag life

Do You Feel Stressed?

What is stressing you out today? We encourage you to spend a few minutes with Jesus today. He is your peace, your calm, and your hope.

“Daddy, Hold You”

The Gospel, the good news of Jesus, is Alive. It holds on to us, it sets us apart. Our devotion today is from Pastor Kyle Madson, currently serving Norseland Lutheran and Norwegian Grove Lutheran in Southern Minnesota.

All About Jesus

Lutheran pastors like to talk about Jesus. Even at funerals, they make Jesus the focus of attention. Why? Pastor Matt Moldstad explains the importance of this and how Jesus can dry our tears, even in the face of death.

Jesus’ Resurrection Calms our Fears

Fear. Uncertainty. Sorrow. What turmoil of emotions the women must have been feeling as they rush to Jesus' tomb in the early hours before dawn. πŸŒ… But the message they receive is a miraculous comfort: "Do not be afraid! Jesus is not here. He has risen!" ✝️


Mark 9:24 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Let me ask you a few questions. Are you a Viking fan or are you a Packer fan? Do you like summer or do you like the winter, do you like…

Time Flies

Psalm 90:10, 12, 14 It seems the older I get the quicker the years go by. As more and more candles are added to my birthday cake every year I realize this statement to be true. When I was young,…