Someone not long ago asked this question how many people did our Lord Jesus heal during the three years of his public ministry?
I have my father's memory. These are the words that I speak to somebody when I've forgotten something that I was going to tell them, or I forgot something that they told me.
Have you ever heard of the word Triune or Trinity before? If so, you've maybe connected it to the Christian church.
My grandpa was a carpenter, and my dad is really good at woodworking and unfortunately I didn't inherit any of their skills.
Jesus knew the pain of unreliable friends, as Peter denied Him thrice despite being forewarned. And yet, Jesus remained loyal, accepting the cross out of love. His unwavering friendship offers an eternal assurance of love, loyalty, and forgiveness, contrasting the faltering nature of human alliances.
When I was a young child, one of the rules that we had in my parent's house was thou shalt not use bad words.
One question that we get a lot with our college students is, how do I know what I should do with my life?
I wasn't raised in the church. When I first attended church, I remarked at how often Jesus’ suffering and death were mentioned.
How would you rank yourself on a scale of goodness? Or how would you even measure that scale?
As a pastor's kid, I went to a lot of funerals growing up.
I need it! You probably said those words at one point or another. When I was younger, I said those words a lot.
It seems that Paul, Saint Paul, had been challenged about his credentials.