Tag jesus

Hidden Away

We entrust valuable things to responsible people to keep them safe. The same is true of our most precious possession, eternal life. We can have peace knowing Jesus safeguards our salvation.

Crown of Life

As we witness confirmations in our Lutheran church, we are reminded of our commitment to our faith. In Revelation 2:10, Jesus promises the crown of life to those faithful unto death. Jesus wore our crown of shame, bearing our sins on the cross, so we may inherit eternal life.

The Death Church

Pastor Don Moldstad compares the constant reminder of mortality to a "Death Church." We find hope in Jesus' resurrection, which brings us into the "Life Church." Through Christ, death is overcome, offering believers eternal life.

Historical Facts

Historically, even non-Christians acknowledge Jesus's existence and empty tomb. 1 Corinthians 15 explains death entered through Adam, our ancestor, but through Christ, a new lineage of life is offered. Believing in Jesus grafts us into this living lineage, ensuring our future resurrection like Christ, the firstfruit.

Isaiah 53

Today as we begin our celebration of Holy Week, we meditate on Isaiah 53 and its prophetic message about our Savior from sin. We'll come back to this text in our Good Friday Devotion. (Look for new devotions this week on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.)