Did Jesus actually, really, truly, physically walk out of the grave on Easter morning? Did he actually rise from the dead? Is that believable?
When have you felt like an imposter? When have you felt unworthy? As we finish up our series on Imposter Syndrome Pastor Abrahamson reminds us that God is not afraid of our flaws.
Jesus doesn't want you to be alone. So he has sent his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to live with you and in you.
Do you find it hard to be kind? I know there's times when we can feel like we're surrounded by idiots or people who are incompetent or lazy.
What good fruit are you doing? Today we join Pastor Nelson to talk about how we, as branches in Christ, can produce good fruit.
And over and over Jesus says, remain in me as I remain in you. And that's where you're going to get your power and your strength.
You've heard it said that “it's not what you know, but it's who you know.”
That day when the disciples looked up into the sky and watched Jesus ascend into heaven, some of them must have been wondering why is he leaving?
Sometimes we have bad ideas and we make bad decisions. God had a good idea which was to send Jesus to take your place. Your sins are forgiven. You are at peace with God.
"They have taken away my Lord..." The tomb was empty and for Mary there was only one explanation. The body had been taken. Mary stood outside facing the tomb, weeping.
When Jesus suffered and died on the cross, he was taking the sting of your sins into his own body.
Look up and live. That was a safety initiative when I was in high school in Australia. It's also the instructions God gave to the Israelites in the Old Testament. And it's what God says to us even today.