Tag grace

Cause and Effect

My children are learning cause and effect. They don’t realize their actions cause problems. Similarly, we often downplay our sins, distancing ourselves from their severity. It is by recognizing our sins that we see the depth of God’s grace.

Is Grace Far Away?

The view from an airplane window is pretty amazing. Everything looks so small and far away. Sometimes God's grace looks small and far away, but the Bible tells us about Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, all done for YOU! God's grace is close and personal. God's grace is for YOU!

Two True Things

Jesus wants you to be free. But that means you have to accept some truths. Today we take a close look at what those truths are.

I Chose to Love You

If you have a spouse or a boyfriend or girlfriend you're probably expecting to receive a card for Valentine's Day or maybe to write one. And what will that card say? What do you hope that card says?