Tag forgiveness

Unending Love

Luke 15:11-24 In Luke chapter 15 Jesus tells us an incredible story about forgiveness and love. He tells a story of two sons and one son decided one day that he was going to leave his father’s household. He demanded…

Check Your Mirrors

Philippeans 3:13b-14 Check your mirrors! Maybe you can still hear your driving instructor giving that command. Check your mirrors. Know what’s around you. Know what’s coming up on you. Know what’s behind you. That is important advice, but can you…

Dealing with Guilt

2 Corinthians 7:10 Do you ever feel terrible for something that you’ve done? Maybe you gossiped and later realized how hurtful your words were. Maybe you lied and later realized how could I be that person? How could I have…

Forgive as the Lord Forgave You

Matthew 18:32b-33, Colossians 3:13b In the Bible, Jesus tells us a story about a servant who owed his master incredible debt. Something like a million dollars in today’s currency. The master called his servant in and told him to pay…

When to Gossip

Matthew 18:15 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook When I was in school there was a friend of mine that began to have strong body odor. A number of the fellow students in the class also noticed and began…

How did we get in this mess?

Genesis 3:6 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook “How did we get in this mess?” Have you have asked yourself that question? Maybe you were facing financial difficulties, problems in a relationship, whatever it was, “how did I get…

A Blessed Life

Psalm 107:1 “I don’t believe in God but he must believe in me.” A friend of mine told me that a couple of times. He was an atheist and didn’t believe in God and at first I didn’t understand what…

Sin is paid for with blood

Hebrews 9:22, 10:4 One way to describe worship in Old Testament times is “bloody.” God required animal sacrifice from his people day in and day out. Bulls, goats, lambs, and other animals were to be sacrificed for the sins of…

To Do Lists: Left Undone

Mathew 5:17 Recently I was reading an article online concerning how to be a more productive person. One of the suggestions from the author was to get rid of your to-do list. He said as useful it as it is…

Do You Feel Like a Loser?

1 Corinthians 15:57 Watch on YouTube How is your football team performing this year? Isn’t it funny how our emotions are so greatly influenced by the success or failure of our team? We’re not on the field dropping the ball,…

Why Go to Church?

Romans 3:22-24 Watch on YouTube “You just think you’re better than everyone else.” That’s what a man told me when I was talking to him about going to church. He thought that Christianity teaches that a person gets to heaven…