Am I really forgiven of all my sins because of what Jesus has done? Is my body really going to rise again from the dead? Is there really a heaven waiting for me after this life? God has given us very sure promises.
Who is church for? The entire purpose of church, the entire purpose of the Christian religion, is to provide help and salvation for sinners.
Maybe you've been pouring your heart out to the Lord, just requesting him for aid, and wisdom, and help. And it just seems like there's no answer. You wonder, well is God hearing me? Or is he just sleeping up there in heaven?
There's so much to worry about today... but should that be our focus? What are you worried about? God the Father knows your needs and promises to provide for you.
A peacemaker, as Jesus talks about it, isn't someone who goes to physical war to get what they want.
The key to managing all the things we can have in this life is to have them without possessing them. In other words to have them and use them and manage them, but don't let them take over our hearts to control our hearts and our lives.
Is the world ending? Sometimes natural disasters, or pandemics, can cause people to ask that question. They look at the disaster or the trouble that they're in and they think: “this has to be a sign that the world is coming to an end.”
God is present everywhere. That can be a scary thought, but it can also bring great comfort because you are always surrounded by his love.
How timid is your trust? Do you ever question God's promises? Today we learn from Peter's example as he walks on water with Jesus.
Who's the peacemaker in your family?
Reading the Bible can make you feel less lonely, give you encouragement, and bring you peace. But you don't need to start at the beginning! Pastor Don Moldstad has 4 suggestions for books to read first.
Today Pastor Marques Nelson brings us a message about being thirsty for righteousness.