How do you help someone remember something that's important?
Today we compare two miraculous catches of fish in the Bible and see how Peter reacts each time.
Peter does something surprising. Is his response to Jesus appropriate?
It doesn't seem logical, it doesn't seem practical, but the man who speaks God's word is saying it to me. So I'll give it a shot.
is it more important to work hard or more important to spend time in God's Word?
Jesus was no stranger to abuse, even in relationships that should have been close and should have been good.
Surprising truths about Jesus. Have you ever thought about how Jesus made people mad? Really mad.
What could this man have possibly done to earn his salvation? He was nailed to a cross. There was nothing that he could possibly do other than just have a change of heart.
The theme for the devotion today is that God is in control.
Can you think of a holiday in the church year that is celebrated on the 25th of a month? Christmas, of course! But take that back then nine months. And what do we get? The 25th of March.
Jesus is going to come in, he's going to come to church, he's going to speak wonderful words from God's Word, and then he is going to be completely rejected, abused and they're going to try to kill him. But notice how this section starts out.
Trivia Question! How much time do you think people spend at the Grand Canyon, taking in the view?