How much could you strip away from your Christmas traditions and still call it a real Christmas?
Amid all the trappings of Christmas, let us not forget why Jesus came to earth. Share that good news!
Do Angels Have Wings? This was a debate that I heard not so long ago.
"Frankly you don't even have any evidence for Jesus." How would you respond to this? Pastor David Thompson provides reliable evidence that Jesus existed and offers a better question to ponder.
My children are learning cause and effect. They don’t realize their actions cause problems. Similarly, we often downplay our sins, distancing ourselves from their severity. It is by recognizing our sins that we see the depth of God’s grace.
The "Footprints in the Sand" poem beautifully illustrates Jesus carrying us through tough times. But how do we know He's with us today? By spending time reading the Bible can we see Jesus walking with us during the difficult times of life.
Jesus wants you to be certain that the Word of God is accurate and true.
Luke ends his Gospel by telling us that Jesus' Ascension brought great joy to the disciples. Jesus' leaving can bring you great joy too.
Today, we consider the final statement made about Jesus during his suffering and death.
I have my father's memory. These are the words that I speak to somebody when I've forgotten something that I was going to tell them, or I forgot something that they told me.
Ash Wednesday is a day for repentance, for admitting our sins to God.
How would you rank yourself on a scale of goodness? Or how would you even measure that scale?