Christians and non-Christians alike are familiar with the symbol of the cross. Here's a big question for us to consider. Did Jesus need to die on the cross?
Over the course of my ministry, I've often asked people if they think they're going to go to heaven when they die.
When water flows, it naturally wants to go downstream and find the lowest spot. And that's kind of a beautiful picture of the Gospel.
I was thinking about a couple of Bible passages that are, to me very meaningful as we think about the start of the next 12 months on the calendar.
Today, I'd like to read from John Chapter 8, which describes several types of temptations. As I read, I'd like you to listen to what some of those temptations are.
A few years ago, I went whitewater rafting. I was so excited for the trip. I was looking forward to the adventure.
They say there are two seasons in Minnesota, winter and road construction. And have had to painfully deal with road construction over these past number of months.
It's interesting that she had this strong craving to be with fellow Christians, to be with people that love Jesus and love his word.
What is my favorite verse? This is going to sound a little silly perhaps, but I would actually say that my favorite verse is John 11:35.
That fever will actually cause our body or help our body to overcome the sickness, and throwing up can actually expel whatever's causing the problem to get out of our stomach and get out of our system. It's interesting to think about those things as terrible as they are to go through that they actually can be beneficial, ultimately, good for us.
There's one food to which we can never say anyone is truly allergic in the sense that it would actually do them harm.
You know, there's a lot of different kinds of churches out there. What should you look for in a church?