Do you like tour guides? Guides, often, can be very helpful when visiting someplace new or unfamiliar. Today we continue our series on Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Moldstad as we dive into verse three.
Do you doubt that Jesus rose from the dead? So did Thomas. Jesus gave Thomas the evidence he needed to know for sure. Jesus also provides that evidence for you. Join us today as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ.
Did Jesus really die? Today Pastor Hartwig tells us why we can be absolutely certain that Jesus really died on the cross and that he really rose again. Praise be to God!
Lutheran pastors like to talk about Jesus. Even at funerals, they make Jesus the focus of attention. Why? Pastor Matt Moldstad explains the importance of this and how Jesus can dry our tears, even in the face of death.
Jesus came down to Earth for a very specific purpose. As he was dying on the cross he wanted YOU to know that his mission was fulfilled. "It is finished." What was his mission? Pastor Tim Hartwig has the details. Join us today.
This Holy Week we encourage you to spend some time in the Bible. Whether it's on your own or with people the people you love set aside a few minutes of your day to read God's Word.
Is church practical? Is it useful? How does church serve us or benefit us? Today Pastor Kyle Madson explains the purpose and the practicality of the Bible readings found in church liturgy.
Jesus pain and suffering on the cross was real. We know this because he was thirsty, his body was exhausted. Because his suffering was real, we can be assured that the forgiveness he purchased for us is also real. Join Pastor Tim Hartwig today for a short message of grace and forgiveness.
Would you expect Jesus' enemies to be the ones proclaiming the truth of God's plan? This Lenten season Pastor Matt Moldstad is showing us some unexpected prophets of the Christ.
Praise God that he is able to use even the evil intents of man for his good purpose.
Does your attitude affect your kindness? Does pain affect your ability to love? Thank God for Jesus! Today Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us how Jesus still lived and loved perfectly, even as he was nailed to a cross. And the best part? He did it in your place.
Is church too crowded for Jesus? Why do you go to church? Why should you go to church? What's in it for you? Today Pastor Tim Hartwig answers questions about church.
Are you connected to Jesus? Do you worry if you've done enough, as a Christian to get to heaven? Be of good cheer! Today Pastor Matt Moldstad has a message of peace and good news, specifically for you. What a great way to start the week!
"For Jesus' Sake" Ever wonder what this phrase means? Wonder no more! Pastor Matt Moldstad explains why we say this in today's devotion.