Matthew Moldstad

Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Only Possible Explanation

"They have taken away my Lord..." The tomb was empty and for Mary there was only one explanation. The body had been taken. Mary stood outside facing the tomb, weeping.

What lengths would you go?

Matthew 2:1-2, John 3:17 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook To what lengths would you go to worship Jesus? Would you wake up early in the morning? Would you set aside a part of your day or your busy…

Hindsight is 20/20

Do you remember back to the end of 2019 or maybe even early 2020. It seemed like there is a number of different organizations that wanted to come out with a theme for the coming year. That theme was quite often 20/20 vision.