Matthew Moldstad

Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Death and Comfort

John 11:25, 35 Death is not something that we like to think much about, but sometimes were forced to. Maybe we were there at the death of a loved one when they took their last breath. Maybe we were there…

Things are Good

Deuteronomy 8:12-14, 17-18 Things are good. If we step back and take a view at the big picture of what’s going on in our country today, in general, things are pretty good. The stock market is up, crime is at…

Table Prayer

Psalm 106:1b From little on, I remember our family saying the common table prayer before our meals. Part of that prayer is from Psalm 106 verse 6: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever.…

Thanksgiving in Difficulties

Job 1:21 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook In the Bible there is a story of a woman by the name of Naomi who is very bitter towards God. Early on in her marriage she and her husband and…

Sin is paid for with blood

Hebrews 9:22, 10:4 One way to describe worship in Old Testament times is “bloody.” God required animal sacrifice from his people day in and day out. Bulls, goats, lambs, and other animals were to be sacrificed for the sins of…

To Do Lists: Left Undone

Mathew 5:17 Recently I was reading an article online concerning how to be a more productive person. One of the suggestions from the author was to get rid of your to-do list. He said as useful it as it is…

Can we play catch?

Romans 8:15 Is God Too Busy For You? Dad had promised to play catch with his son, yet all week it seemed like he was too busy. Even when he came home from work after supper he’d continually be working…


Exodus 20:7, Revelation 5:13b Oh my God. Jesus Christ. These expressions we hear all the time in our everyday conversation they even spill out of our own lips sometimes. OMG! Isn’t that just what you say when you’re surprised about…

Christmas Joy

Galatians 4:4-5 Christmas feels good. The sights and sounds, the tastes and smells. My wife loves Christmas and the Christmas season. It seems that every year she’s setting up the tree, listening to her Christmas carols, earlier and earlier. Last…

Happy Reformation 500!

Mark 1:15 This October 31st marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of 95 theses on the castle church door in Wittenberg Germany. This small action was the initial spark that ignited the flame of the Protestant Reformation. If…