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How Do I Know?

How do you know when God is talking to you?
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How do you know when God is talking to you?
You ever served on jury duty? That's a pretty good picture, pretty good illustration, of what the Bible calls justification.
Have you ever been punched in the gut so much that you've just had the wind knocked out of you?
There's one food to which we can never say anyone is truly allergic in the sense that it would actually do them harm.
Why are you here right now? Now, I'm not just asking about, like, why are you watching this devotion video? I'm asking the bigger picture question, why are you here on this planet? What is your purpose? What's the meaning of life?
Hyperbole is so common today it is easy to lose perspective about how good the news of the Gospel really is.
Reverend Brian Klebig shares the story of how 10 cents affected multiple generations of his family.
It's interesting that becoming part of a Christian congregation is really a wonderful blessing from God.
God has promised to speak to us through his word.