Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Today we continue our look at the Lord's Prayer with Pastor Kyle Madson.
Wouldn't it be great to win the lottery? To be independent? In our continuing series on the Lord's Prayer we see that God would rather that we wait. That we wait on him. We meditate on this today.
Host's Choice Prayer, as we continue to look at parts of the Lord's Prayer with Pastor Kyle Madson we consider what it means to pray "Thy will be done."
Escalator Down Prayer. Today Pastor Kyle Madson continues our series on the Lord's Prayer.
What do you want your legacy to be? Today Pastor Kyle Madson talks about our legacy, your legacy, and how God gives us the legacy of life.
How would you address the queen? More importantly, how should you address God? Today we discuss the wonderful means by which God tells us to address him.