Tag resurrection

Evidence for Thomas

Do you doubt that Jesus rose from the dead? So did Thomas. Jesus gave Thomas the evidence he needed to know for sure. Jesus also provides that evidence for you. Join us today as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ.

Did Jesus Really Die?

Did Jesus really die? Today Pastor Hartwig tells us why we can be absolutely certain that Jesus really died on the cross and that he really rose again. Praise be to God!

All About Jesus

Lutheran pastors like to talk about Jesus. Even at funerals, they make Jesus the focus of attention. Why? Pastor Matt Moldstad explains the importance of this and how Jesus can dry our tears, even in the face of death.

Why be a Christian?

1 Corinthians 15:20-22 About a year ago, someone posed a question for me. He asked “why should I be a Christian and not a follower of another religion, like Hinduism or Buddhism?” That’s a tough question. He provided the answer…