Tag forgiveness

A New Year Goal

Do you have a goal for the new year? A resolution, perhaps? You know, as you contemplate the year that we are about to enter into, it can be both exciting and terrifying.

A Good Word Brings Joy

Years ago, when I was in seminary, I remember one of our professors giving us this advice. He told us to save the cards and letters and emails in which people gave us compliments and to throw away those that gave us criticisms.

Ladder to Heaven?

Adolph Koberle once spoke of three different ladders that humans often imagine that they can use to climb to heaven and to get closer to God.

New Car Envy

Happy Thanksgiving! Today we take a moment to thank God for all of the blessings he has showered upon us.

Frayed Ropes

This summer, I spent a couple of weeks at my father-in-law's cabin. There's always a boat tied on the dock. This year, I noticed that the ropes that hold the boat are starting to fray from chafing against the dock and the boat.

Nail Polish Mess

My son was terrified. He'd made a mistake and his efforts to clean up only made things worse. When was the last time you tried to fix a mistake, but only managed to make a bigger mess of things?

A Perfect Relationship

How do we deal mistakes and forgiveness? Today we talk about our earthly relationships and how God would have us behave both when we are wrong and when we've been wronged.