God puts us together in families, and here, when he's talking with the Ephesians, he even shows how we get to be part of the family of God.
What is God's masterpiece? What is the most amazing thing God has made?
Do you have a goal for the new year? A resolution, perhaps? You know, as you contemplate the year that we are about to enter into, it can be both exciting and terrifying.
Ever been on a vacation that didn't go as planned? Has your life gone as expected?
We often say "good luck" to wish someone well, but does "good luck" exist? And what do we mean when we say "good luck"?
This summer, I spent a couple of weeks at my father-in-law's cabin. There's always a boat tied on the dock. This year, I noticed that the ropes that hold the boat are starting to fray from chafing against the dock and the boat.
Sometimes we're tempted to wonder why God allows us to face adversities and troubles and hardships in life. Today we look at how God lifts us up during our trials.
Today we join Pastor Don Moldstad for a devotion about making time for personal devotion.
Is it wrong to pray about small stuff, like finding a parking spot or finishing tasks on time? Does God really want to hear about small concerns?
Have you ever felt like an imposter? Do you feel like you don't have the talent or ability to do something when you have a chance to do it? Today we begin a 3 part series on Imposter Syndrome with Pastor Nate Abrahamson.
Today we take a closer look at the 4th Commandment. And how we can view obedience to our parents and to God.
Do you find it hard to be kind? I know there's times when we can feel like we're surrounded by idiots or people who are incompetent or lazy.