Category Bible Books

The Struggle Is Real

The struggle is real. Parents know the struggle of keeping children behaved during church, but there's good reasons to bring your children to Sunday service.

Two True Things

Jesus wants you to be free. But that means you have to accept some truths. Today we take a close look at what those truths are.

Poo in the Pie

Do all false teaching really matter? Notice what God says he doesn't simply say to be on your guard, to watch out for false teachers, but he also says stay away from them.

Morsels of God’s Grace

This Canaanite would not even let Jesus, the Son of God Himself, dissuade her from believing in Him. Lord grant that our faith in Christ be similarly strong.

Really Good Shoes

God has granted you heaven as an inheritance. It's a free gift, from him to you. God tells us we can thank him by serving those around us.

The Bible Diet

What diet or exercise program to you use? I am always amazed at all the different health crazes and different diets and different workout routines there are out there. Do you have a spiritual diet or exercise program?

Winter is Coming

"Grass withers, flowers fade, but the Word of our God endures forever." Come spend a few moments with us and reflect on the Word that lasts forever.

Should I Apologize?

We often ask God for forgiveness when we mess up. But what about the people around us? Should we ask for their forgiveness too, if we've wronged them?

Hidden in Christ

What things are thinking about today? We invite you to spend a few minutes with us to think about heavenly things and find peace in God's Word.