Those words from a hit 80s love song by the police sounds so eerie when spoken.
This summer, I spent a couple of weeks at my father-in-law's cabin. There's always a boat tied on the dock. This year, I noticed that the ropes that hold the boat are starting to fray from chafing against the dock and the boat.
Jesus said some crazy things. Often Jesus is spoken of as a good moral teacher, but is Jesus a lunatic?
Today we take a close look at Jesus' miracle of healing the blind man and thank God for giving us all spiritual sight.
Old seeds were thought to be dead, but they grew into trees and produced fruit. Some say that God's Word is old and dead, but it grows and produces fruit as well.
Today we finish our series on the 7 Days of Creation with Pastor Pittenger.
Do you ever long for a place to call home? Do you not have a place you feel like you can really call home? Or do you feel like you maybe don't fit in? In the world or in your family, you're black sheep? Today's devotion is for you.
Today's devotion is for people who struggle spending time in God's Word.
Today we join Pastor Pittenger for a devotion on Day 4 of Creation.
The Bible tells us that the very first thing that God created was light.
What was the last thing you cooked or baked? Did you follow a recipe? Today we hear about a little boy who didn't want to follow the recipe.
Jesus doesn't want you to be alone. So he has sent his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to live with you and in you.