As a pastor's kid, I went to a lot of funerals growing up.
I was recently watching a video interview of Elon Musk and Elon Musk was explaining how he doesn't even have a house that he lives in.
Are you excited? It's hard not to get excited this time of year. It's the holidays, right?
This summer, children in Saint Peter, Minnesota should finally have been allowed to go out with bare feet.
God only wants what's good for you. You believe that, right?
Where you will spend eternity is dependent upon the person in whom you are trusting. Is it truly the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the Savior of all people, or is it possibly a fake Christ?
Making time for personal devotions, your sinful nature is never going to make this easy.
The life of a Christian is not always an easy one. Jesus doesn't sugarcoat the matter.
And a few minutes ago, I picked this flower.
It's a really weird feeling, isn't it? To know God loves you, but to feel like he doesn't like you.
What is God like? One thing that the Bible tells us concerning God is that He is eternal.
What is the main purpose of the Bible?