Category Hebrews

Hindsight is 20/20

Do you remember back to the end of 2019 or maybe even early 2020. It seemed like there is a number of different organizations that wanted to come out with a theme for the coming year. That theme was quite often 20/20 vision.

Is God Punishing Us?

Hebrews 12:5-7 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Is God punishing us? Is that why he sent this virus? To torment us? He’s unhappy and he’s sitting up in heaven taking out his revenge upon us? Is God punishing…

You Are Under Attack

The devil is on the attack. He is methodical. He is scheming ways to pull you away from the salvation offered by Christ. How can we equip ourselves to stand against him? Join us for a few minutes as Pastor Don Moldstad tells us about the protection we have against the devil.

Discipline is Humbling & Good

Hebrews 12:6 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook As a young boy I remember that my mother used to ask me to do some chores and there was a specific day I really remember that she was saying please…

A Perfect Score

Have you ever gotten a hole-in-one in golf? How about in disc golf? Do you know what God's standards are? Today we hear from Pastor Matt Moldstad who not only knows what God expects from us, but also how to meet those expectations. Join us.