Arachnophobia, like the fear of death, is common, yet unwarranted for those with faith in Christ. As Paul's words to the Corinthians express, death's sting is negated by Jesus' sacrifice. Believers need not fear death; it's merely a passage to eternal life, a victory and hope through resurrection afforded by faith in Jesus.
He is risen! He is risen indeed! Happy Easter everyone. Today is a good day to go and tell jokes.
It's interesting to think about, Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and then the very next day he gives himself as the sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of sins.
Pastor Petersen reflects on the importance of humility and the dangers of pride, drawing on his life experiences and biblical verses from Psalms, Ephesians, and 1 Corinthians. He emphasizes that Christians are not the achievers but rather recipients of God's blessings, hence any boasting should be in God's work, love, and salvation, not personal accomplishments.
People possess different spiritual gifts and we might be tempted to look at other people and think, oh, I wish I could do what they do.
Today, I also want to talk to you about the relationships that we have in our life.
Is it really that important to believe that the Bible is 100% true, inspired and inerrant?
Hyperbole is so common today it is easy to lose perspective about how good the news of the Gospel really is.
Hey, did you? Did you see who's here? Like, yeah, they're here. That that that person who. So that the really important person, the really valuable one, like the MVP, they're here.
Why does Easter matter? Or to put it another way, what would be missing without Easter?
I always wondered to myself, why in the world would somebody take two names of weekdays and put them together into Monday Thursday? It didn't make a whole lot of sense.
What is the opposite of Chaos? It's Peace. It's the Peace that Jesus first shared with his disciples when he appeared to them in the upper room on Easter evening.