Luke Ulrich

Luke Ulrich

Pastor Luke Ulrich currently serves at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Mankato, Minnesota.

Professional Worrier

It's a silly story, but it is fun to think that we have someone who does the worrying for us here and we don't have to pay for it at all.

Luke’s Favorite Verse

What is my favorite verse? This is going to sound a little silly perhaps, but I would actually say that my favorite verse is John 11:35.

The Boastful Frog

There's a story that's told about a frog who is living in a pond and two friends who were herons and they all got along with each other.

You Should Expect This Mystery

When we consider the Triune God, sometimes it makes our minds hurt. It is a mystery how there can be three persons and yet one God at the exact same time. And for many people this bothers them because they can't wrap their minds around it. How about you?

What could he possibly do?

What could this man have possibly done to earn his salvation? He was nailed to a cross. There was nothing that he could possibly do other than just have a change of heart.

Happy Annunciation Day

Can you think of a holiday in the church year that is celebrated on the 25th of a month? Christmas, of course! But take that back then nine months. And what do we get? The 25th of March.