Isaiah 53 describes the affliction Jesus would suffer, but it also explains why he suffered those things.
It's interesting to think about, Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and then the very next day he gives himself as the sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of sins.
Today as we begin our celebration of Holy Week, we meditate on Isaiah 53 and its prophetic message about our Savior from sin. We'll come back to this text in our Good Friday Devotion. (Look for new devotions this week on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.)
Today, we consider the final statement made about Jesus during his suffering and death.
Someone not long ago asked this question how many people did our Lord Jesus heal during the three years of his public ministry?
I have my father's memory. These are the words that I speak to somebody when I've forgotten something that I was going to tell them, or I forgot something that they told me.
Have you ever heard of the word Triune or Trinity before? If so, you've maybe connected it to the Christian church.
There's a scene in the movie The Matrix that has always struck me. The main character, Neo, is offered two choices.
My grandpa was a carpenter, and my dad is really good at woodworking and unfortunately I didn't inherit any of their skills.