Month September 2020

Winter is Coming

"Grass withers, flowers fade, but the Word of our God endures forever." Come spend a few moments with us and reflect on the Word that lasts forever.

Should I Apologize?

We often ask God for forgiveness when we mess up. But what about the people around us? Should we ask for their forgiveness too, if we've wronged them?

Hidden in Christ

What things are thinking about today? We invite you to spend a few minutes with us to think about heavenly things and find peace in God's Word.

What’s Your Anxiety Level?

Where's your anxiety level at the moment? It seems that there are many things happening in the world around us today that are causing us to be anxious and even afraid. Jesus wants to take away all of your fears and anxiety.

A Chosen People

"The church may shrink to a faithful remnant, but the church of Jesus Christ cannot be overcome by the gates of hell, much less by a culture."

I Lose Things

Today's devotion is a reminder of God's love and comfort. But it also features video of really cute lambs and sheep. God bless your time in his Word today!

Be Courageous

Jesus warned his disciples that they would be scattered, but they should not be afraid. Today we find ourselves scattered and fearful. But Jesus' words still ring true today. "Be courageous. I have overcome the world."