Month December 2017

Why doesn’t God Do Something?

Romans 3:25 Have you ever been watching the news and you see a crime that is so terrible, so bad, that it just makes you burn with anger? Perhaps the murder of innocent people. A corrupt politician who uses his…

Are You Going to Heaven?

Acts 16:31, 1 John 5:13 Years ago there was an evangelism program that encouraged Christians to ask their neighbor: ‘If you were to die today, would you go to heaven?’ How would you respond to that question? Even the most…

Why be a Christian?

1 Corinthians 15:20-22 About a year ago, someone posed a question for me. He asked “why should I be a Christian and not a follower of another religion, like Hinduism or Buddhism?” That’s a tough question. He provided the answer…

Dealing with Guilt

2 Corinthians 7:10 Do you ever feel terrible for something that you’ve done? Maybe you gossiped and later realized how hurtful your words were. Maybe you lied and later realized how could I be that person? How could I have…

Are you a good person?

Many people today feel that from a moral perspective they are just fine. Many people will say "I'm a good person." And in the darkness of the world that's easy to say.

Are you Anxious?

Philippians 4:6 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Does something have you up late at night, tossing and turning, cold sweats? Something gnawing at your stomach? What has you anxious? Relationship? Health? School? Finances? What are we to do…

Forgive as the Lord Forgave You

Matthew 18:32b-33, Colossians 3:13b In the Bible, Jesus tells us a story about a servant who owed his master incredible debt. Something like a million dollars in today’s currency. The master called his servant in and told him to pay…


Romans 5:8 One day, when I was in the locker room, I remember the guy who normally sat next to me came in late. He frantically put on all of his football gear and rushed outside to avoid the coaches…