Today we want to remind YOU that God love you.
While watching soccer matches, Pastor Pittenger finds an unexpected parallel between the game's final whistle and our ultimate victory that can only be found in Christ Jesus.
Don't you love Christmas? You know, except for a few Scrooges, I would say that most people in our culture, in our country, love Christmas. And why is that?
Are you harder on you than God is on you? Sometimes I can be pretty hard on myself.
What happens when you die? It's a question that everyone should consider.
To my children paying for things with a card looks easy. They don't realize that these purchases must be backed up with money.
Who does this? Who is nice to people who complain against them?
What's the worst sin of all? What's the deadliest sin?
Does God accept us just the way that we are? Whenever I get asked that question, I like to turn to John chapter three when Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus.
I have this piece of driftwood that looks like a snake. And I like it because it reminds me of two different events in the Bible.
This past year someone has been painting rocks gold and leaving them in our playground. This actually reminds me of something Jesus talked about.
My children are learning cause and effect. They don’t realize their actions cause problems. Similarly, we often downplay our sins, distancing ourselves from their severity. It is by recognizing our sins that we see the depth of God’s grace.