Category Matthew

Connected to Jesus

Are you connected to Jesus? Do you worry if you've done enough, as a Christian to get to heaven? Be of good cheer! Today Pastor Matt Moldstad has a message of peace and good news, specifically for you. What a great way to start the week!

A Change of Heart

Have you ever changed your mind? Have you ever had a change of heart? Pastor Hartwig tells us how God would have us change our minds, our hearts, and our actions toward him. Share this good news with us today.

Jesus, Transfigured

Ever shine a flashlight through your hand? What if your hand glowed like a flashlight? Today we reflect on Jesus' Transfiguration with Pastor Timothy Hartwig.

(Transfiguration means a complete change of form or appearance.)

Forgiveness for you!

Acts 2:38, Matthew 26:27-28 Have you ever been sitting in church and heard the pastor say “your sins are forgiven,” but maybe thought to yourself “yeah, maybe for everyone else pastor, but not for me. If you only knew the…

The Lord’s Supper

Matthew 26:26-28 What is the Lord’s Supper all about? Is it all about something we are doing for God? That we’re showing our faithfulness that we’re remembering him? After all didn’t Jesus say ‘do this in remembrance of me’? I’ve…

Don’t Judge Me!

Should a Christian judge others? Today Pastor Matt Moldstad clears up a common misunderstanding around Jesus' words "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

How to Repay Jesus?

Matthew 25:40 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook You ever struggled to find the right gift for somebody, because it seems as though they have everything they would want or everything they would need? Somebody that’s perfectly contented with…

Calming Life’s Storms

Matthew 8:26 For a while, one of my daughters pretended that she could control the wind. She would joke to her siblings about being able to make it blow or stop. That would be a pretty neat power to have…

Wise Men in Jerusalem

Matthew 2:6, Micah 5:2 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook There must have been quite a stir that day in Jerusalem. Scholarly men from the East had traveled hundreds of miles following a miracle star that they said was…

Healing and Forgiveness

Matthew 9:8, John 20:22b-23a In the bible we hear a story about a paralyzed man whose friends want to bring him to Jesus to be healed. When they arrive at the house where Jesus is at it’s full of people…