While watching soccer matches, Pastor Pittenger finds an unexpected parallel between the game's final whistle and our ultimate victory that can only be found in Christ Jesus.
To be a birdwatcher, you need some binoculars. If you use binoculars correctly, they bring distant things into focus.
I have this piece of driftwood that looks like a snake. And I like it because it reminds me of two different events in the Bible.
This past year someone has been painting rocks gold and leaving them in our playground. This actually reminds me of something Jesus talked about.
Making time for personal devotions, your sinful nature is never going to make this easy.
And a few minutes ago, I picked this flower.
This ring doesn't talk about what I've done, how I feel, anything that I've accomplished at all. This ring was given to me by my wife. This ring is her pledge of love and faithfulness to me.
Earthquakes can be absolutely devastating. Can you imagine calling an earthquake a blessed event?
Today we finish our series on the 7 Days of Creation with Pastor Pittenger.
Today we're going to talk about spiders. God created spiders on Day 6 of creation and while many people are scared of spiders, they are very amazing creatures.
What's your favorite fact about sharks? 🦈 Today Pastor Pittenger shares his favorite shark fact.
Today we join Pastor Pittenger for a devotion on Day 4 of Creation.