What is stressing you out today? We encourage you to spend a few minutes with Jesus today. He is your peace, your calm, and your hope.
Jesus provides rest for our soul, freedom from guilt, and peace in the knowledge that our sins have been forgiven. Join us for a few minutes of rest today.
If you've ever struggled with depression, know this: God loves you. God has a plan for you. God loved you so much he traded his only Son for your redemption.
If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, talk to your pastor right away. ELS pastors are trained in biblical counseling and can help you navigate finding psychological and medical treatment.
Today we're joined by Pastor Jon Madson who tells us about the most unfair trade ever made. This exchange seems unbelievable because you got the better deal.
Where are you from? How do you pronounce "bagel"? Have you ever tried to hide your accent? Your citizenship is in heaven. And that is something to share with the world.