Tag prophets

Unexpected Prophets: The Mob

When the angry mob was yelling for Jesus to be crucified they said "Let his blood be on us and our children." Today Pastor Matt Molstad tells us why every Christian should want Jesus' blood to cover them and their children.

Better One Should Perish

Would you expect Jesus' enemies to be the ones proclaiming the truth of God's plan? This Lenten season Pastor Matt Moldstad is showing us some unexpected prophets of the Christ. Praise God that he is able to use even the evil intents of man for his good purpose.

Utter Foolishness

Is God's Word foolish? This Lent Pastor Matt Molstad is exploring "unexpected prophets." God using the evil intentions of men for his good purpose. This may seem like foolishness, but it's actually very comforting. Join us to find out why.