Tag help

I’ve Had Enough, Lord.

The sadness that Elijah felt, that utter despair, people have examined this and seen that perhaps he was even feeling a clinical depression as a result of all of this because he was willing and ready to die.

The Domino Effect

Are you familiar with the domino effect? The devil likes to topple our lives, but God also set things in motion, a cascade of events to save you!

Throw me a rope!

When was the last time you felt stuck? What do you do when you're feeling trapped? Today Pastor Ulrich encourages us to follow the example of King David and call upon God when we're in need. Because we know he will answer us.

Do Christians Ever Wish for Death?

If you've ever struggled with depression, know this: God loves you. God has a plan for you. God loved you so much he traded his only Son for your redemption. If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, talk to your pastor right away. ELS pastors are trained in biblical counseling and can help you navigate finding psychological and medical treatment.