Tag daily life

Professional Worrier

It's a silly story, but it is fun to think that we have someone who does the worrying for us here and we don't have to pay for it at all.

Too Busy to Pray

I have so much to do today, I don't have time to pray. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that way? So hectic, so busy, so much to do, so much pressure, I just don't have time to sit down and pray.

Really Good Shoes

God has granted you heaven as an inheritance. It's a free gift, from him to you. God tells us we can thank him by serving those around us.

Winter is Coming

"Grass withers, flowers fade, but the Word of our God endures forever." Come spend a few moments with us and reflect on the Word that lasts forever.

A Chosen People

"The church may shrink to a faithful remnant, but the church of Jesus Christ cannot be overcome by the gates of hell, much less by a culture."

Walk like an Acrobat

We live in a world that is hostile to the Christian faith and there are real forces out there that try to destroy our faith in Christ. That's why St. Paul encourages us to walk like an Acrobat.

To Do Lists: Left Undone

Mathew 5:17 Recently I was reading an article online concerning how to be a more productive person. One of the suggestions from the author was to get rid of your to-do list. He said as useful it as it is…